Sometimes it takes talking to an old friend and seeing them being happy with a life you never thought they'd live to make you appreciate the one you didn't think you'd enjoy living.
An old middle school friend and I chatted on yahoo messenger today. We talk every few months on there and it's always fun to share pictures and stories. Strange to me that we are across the country living completely different lives but can still relate so nicely. She is living a life I would have never expected in a million years! And here I am living mine and feeling sorry for myself and being put off by all this work I need to do. Speaking to her helped me to realize that I ought to be grateful for what I have even if it's not what I expected or where I intended to be right now. Just because it wasn't in my ideal plan doesn't mean I can't make it ideal:)
So I look today to start fresh again and get back on the horse with my recovery. I have it within my power to battle this. To start anew and shape and mold the life I want to live.....and if it doesn't pan out the way I was hoping....I can learn to live with that and choose to make the best of it regardless!
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